Dr. Robert Porter is a licensed certified Psychologist who practices privately through the St. Louis Metro Area and lectures throughout the country. As a therapist, Dr. Porter is committed to healing the psychological and emotional problems that plaque society. He uses innovative and modern day techniques with a proven 99% success rate in solving communication/conflict in relationships and situations. Dr. Porter is a national expert in emotional and relationship issues and their effects on the family and society as a whole.
Tell us about your event and we will offer custom accommodations tailored for your events’ topic, audience, and budget.
Whether you are looking for a keynote speaker to set the tone for your entire event, ½ a day training workshop + keynote speaker or another speaking/workshop package, will work with you directly through all phases of the booking process to ensure your event is a success!
Dr. Robert Porter, Ph.D.
- Consultations and/or educational presentations to; businesses, clergy, and mental health professionals
- Couples, women and men seminars (Sessions range 2-4 hours)
- Available to speak at your school, church, college, event or organization